La fin d'année est toujours propice à une petite mise à jour de mGBA, histoire de régler le cas de quelques bugs. Le cru 2024 n'est pas avare en correctifs, principalement sur le cœur de l'émulateur, pour améliorer notre expérience utilisateur.
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A new release of mGBA, version 0.10.4 is available. This version is a bugfix release, which contains several important fixes. Important fixes include the Wii version being unable to launch in some cases, and an multiple issue with the updater. If you are running on Windows and have used the installer (instead of the portable version), you will need to update manually as a bug that prevents the built-in updater from working properly has only been identified and fixed after the release of 0.10.3. This will be the last release before 0.11 unless a major issue is discovered, and may be the last release to support Windows 7 – 8.1 and macOS 10.9 – 10.12. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.
Emulation fixes:
Emulation fixes:
- GB Audio: Fix audio envelope timing resetting too often (fixes #3164)
- GB I/O: Fix STAT writing IRQ trigger conditions (fixes #2501)
- GBA GPIO: Fix gyro read-out start (fixes #3141)
- GBA I/O: Fix HALTCNT access behavior (fixes #2309)
- GBA I/O: Fix audio register 8-bit write behavior (fixes #3086)
- GBA Serialize: Properly restore GPIO register state (fixes #3294)
- GBA SIO: Fix MULTI mode SIOCNT bit 7 writes on secondary GBAs (fixes #3110)
- Core: Fix patch autoloading leaking the file handle
- GB: Fix uninitialized save data when loading undersized temporary saves
- GB, GBA Core: Fix memory leak if reloading debug symbols
- GB Serialize: Prevent loading invalid states where LY >= 144 in modes other than 1
- GBA Audio: Fix crash if audio FIFOs and timers get out of sync
- GBA Audio: Fix crash in audio subsampling if timing lockstep breaks
- GBA Core: Fix loading symbols from ELF files if the file doesn’t end with .elf
- GBA Memory: Let raw access read high MMIO addresses
- Qt: Fix crash when applying changes to GB I/O registers in I/O view
- Qt: Fix LCDC background priority/enable bit being mis-mapped in I/O view
- Qt: Fix saving named states breaking when screenshot states disabled (fixes #3320)
- Qt: Fix potential crash on Wayland with OpenGL (fixes #3276)
- Qt: Fix installer updates if a version number is in the filename (fixes #3109)
- Updater: Fix updating appimage across filesystems
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