iTotalJustice améliore, encore et toujours, son alternative à Homebrew Menu. Divers bugs (affectant le mode docké ou bien encore lorsqu'un service audio est utilisé) ont été corrigés, le serveur ftp a été upgradé et les traductions ont été mises à jour.
↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓'
- Audio is now only disabled if launched in applet mode with a suspended (background) game running.
- fixed deko3d mem leak when using docked mode.
- fixed applet mode crash if launched with a game that uses multiple audren services. audio is now currently disabled in applet mode until i write an audio driver for libpulsar.
- fixed edge case in "restore hbmenu" option where the option wouldn't trigger if /hbmenu.nro didn't exist.
- bumped ftpsrv from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
- fixed bug with appstore where if a field wasn't found in the repo.json, it would get set to a garbage value. this only effected sorting via downloads.
- add new strings and update ko.json, ja.json by @Yorunokyujitsu in #88
- Update es.json by @cucholix in #90
- Update pt.json by @ninstar in #93
- Update french language. by @shadow2560 in #94
- Fixed the "decending" typo. by @HenryBaby in #91
- Updated the “de.json” with the missing translations. by @glitched-nx in #95
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