Atmosphère 0.20.0

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Atmosphère 0.20.0

Message par newsbot » 28 aoûtaoût 2021, 21:28

Alors qu'aucun nouveau firmware officiel ne vient jouer les trouble-fêtes, SciresM nous offre aujourd'hui une nouvelle mouture d'Atmosphère, qui promet pas mal d'optimisations, notamment sur les temps de boot. L'autre grande nouveauté, c'est la disparition de sept au profit d'une nouvelle méthode de dérivation des clés qui devrait être moins sensible face aux mises à jour de Nintendo. Le développeur indique par ailleurs que ce sera certainement la dernière version majeure du Custom Firmware avant d'en arriver à la fatidique version 1.0 (qui annonce une certaine maturité du projet, si tant est qu'on pouvait en douter jusqu'à présent :-P ). Enfin, daybreak pourra désormais lire la version d'Atmosphère, et prévenir le cas échéant, si vous essayez d'installer un firmware qui n'est pas supporté, évitant les erreurs et autres écrans noirs.

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0.20.0 is Atmosphère's fifty-second official release.
fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.20.0.
With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.20.0 is bundled with hbl 2.4.1, and hbmenu 3.4.0.
The following was changed since the last release:
  • DRAM training (MTC) was implemented for Mariko hardware, increasing RAM speed from 204MHz to 1600MHz.
    • This significantly optimizes Mariko boot speed, cutting boot time roughly in half.
    • Typical boot time reductions (measured as "select fusee" to "home menu visible"):
      • Normal (Iowa): ~35 seconds -> ~18 seconds.
      • Lite (Hoag): ~65 seconds -> ~30 seconds.

    • NOTE: Work is being started on a re-written fusee component, with an eye specifically towards ensuring a good boot speed.
      • With any luck, boot will be much much faster on all units (Mariko and Erista) in an upcoming release.

  • Sept was replaced, and deleted from the repository.
    • Erista units now use a custom TSEC firmware to manage key derivation.
      • For more details, contact SciresM#0524 on discord.

    • This has a number of benefits, including:
      • This greatly simplifies key derivation logic by making it consistent on all firmwares.
        • Fusee no longer accesses/uses keyblobs at all, so units which have accidentally destroyed/lost keyblobs can boot without them.

      • This greatly increases stability (sept was the biggest source of boot failures).
      • This improves boot speed (sept rebooted multiple times, performed hardware init multiple times, and was generally very slow).
      • Atmosphère build process is now much saner.

  • A number of improvements were made to the dmnt cheat engine.
    • Cheats which take in a memory region operand may now use types "2" or "3" to perform accesses relative to the alias/aslr regions, respectively.
    • Support was added for an "else" opcode in the cheat engine, to make writing certain conditional logic more natural.
    • Support was added for a cheat orchestrator homebrew (like edizon) to detach from a cheat process/set the master cheat programmatically.

  • Daybreak now provides a warning when attempting to install a firmware newer than the highest version atmosphère knows it supports.
    • To facilitate this, exosphere now exposes the supported HOS version via an extension ConfigItem.

  • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • Several mesosphere debug SVC implementations were updated to reflect the semantics of the latest kernel.
    • Support was fixed for deriving BIS encryption keys on certain prototype hardware.

  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
For information on the featureset supported by 0.20, please see the official release notes




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