Hekate CTCaer Mod 5.3.4/Nyx 0.9.5

À l’occasion de la sortie d’Atmosphère 0.15.0, CTCaer dégaine quelques heures plus tard en nous offrant la mise à jour de Hekate, pour, bien évidemment, le rendre compatible. La boucle est (déjà) bouclée !

↓ Nouveautés / Corrections (cliquer pour voir) ↓

Latest HOS supported: 10.2.0

New in this version

  • Mesosphere support (Atmosphère’s kernel reimplementation)
  • update.bin is now automatically created on first boot
    This allows l4t/android or anything else that injects/warmboots an old hekate to always use the latest one
    As a reminder, it gets automatically updated via injecting a new hekate once
  • Bootloader protection
    Currently can only be enabled via editing hekate_ipl.ini.
    Using bootprotect=1 in [config] disallows any reading/writing of the bootloader folder and its contents inside HOS, preventing any corruption of it.
    This of course has the side-effect of homebrew that depend on it (e.g. hekate Toolbox) to not work fully.
  • Fix an issue where failing to patch emuMMC would allow user to continue booting
  • Some extra fixes.

Nyx v0.9.5

  • Better info for BM92T36 (USB-PD)
    It can now show more profiles and the exact selected profile
  • Add joycon disable.
    For now it can only be enabled by editing nyx.ini. jcdisable=1.







